July 2, 2017


The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is an advisory body appointed by the Greencrest Homeowners Association Board of Directors. Its Charter is to help the Board of Directors ensure that the terms of the Covenants are followed.

The ACC serves as the “clearing house” for all significant exterior changes and improvements you may want to make for your property. Prior to making those improvements or changes, you must submit a Request for Approval to the ACC to ensure your plans do not violate the Covenants. The ACC will review the request and make its recommendation to the Board for approval, disapproval, or approval with alteration. A copy of the Project Request form can be found in the links below.

The primary, but not exclusive, concerns of the ACC are potential Covenant violations that also violate City Ordinances. Additionally, the ACC addresses detached buildings and other structures, unattended recreational vehicle storage or parking, fencing, and exterior colors that are inconsistent with the neighborhood.

Here is a helpful guide:

Should you be planning a change to the exterior of your home, the planned change can be submitted online or documented on the request form and mailed to the ACC.

To submit your request using the online form, click here.

Or you can print and fill out the form (linked here) and mail to:

Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
Greencrest Homeowners Association
Post Office Box 25006
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-5006

ACC Documents