Neighborhood Events

The Email Distribution List is Open Again!

We’re excited to announce that the Greencrest email listserver / distribution list is open for registration once again. If you’ve been trying to sign up over the past couple of months and haven’t been able to, now is your chance to join. Send an email to to register your email address. Our email distribution Read more about The Email Distribution List is Open Again![…]

GHOA Annual Meeting

GHOA ANNUAL MEETING October 20, 2022 Garden Ranch Baptist Ranch 3830 Van Teylingen Drive The Greencrest Homeowner’s Association (GHOA) annual meeting will be held at 6:00PM on Thursday October 20th, 2022, at the Garden Ranch Baptist Church. Members my participate via the internet using Zoom video conferencing by emailing a request for an Invite Link Read more about GHOA Annual Meeting[…]

Firewise – August 15th, 2022

It’s that time of year Greencrest.  Our 2022 firewise mitigation dates are the weeks of May 11th and August 15th.  Our objective is to reduce or eliminate vegetation that is close to or overhangs any structures and to generally thin all vegetation that enables the spread of wildfire.  We are downwind of Palmer Park, home of Read more about Firewise – August 15th, 2022[…]