The Association wishes to provide access to as much quality information as it can that supports our goals. The following is a list of web links that you might find useful. They are categorized by generic type. All of the links provide are either government websites or they have been recommended by UCCS, or another University, as applicabe to the Greencrest environment.
We welcome any additional links you believe should be shared. Any recommended websites will be thoroughly investigated for legitimacy.
The GHOA cannot endorse any product or service presented by these links.
City of Colorado Springs | |
Colorado State Government | |
Latest Local Crime Statistics | |
Guardians of Palmer Park | |
GHOA has worked out preferred rates for some services with Bestway Disposal. For a regular 96 Gallon can, you can get a discounted rate of $16.25/month. There is no recycling discount. You must ask for the Greencrest Discount. In light of this and the benefit of fewer heavy vehicles on our streets, we ask neighbors to consider using their services. This does not constitute an endorsement of Bestway.