Greetings and happy fall from the Greencrest HOA board. I hope you had an amazing summer! We want to welcome all the new homeowners to our neighborhood. Annual dues are $50.00 and can be paid by:
website: www.GreencrestHOA.org
Send a check to:
Greencrest HOA
PO BOX 25006
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-5006
Greencrest HOA Annual Meeting-Please join us for our annual meeting on October 6th, 2020 at Garden Baptist Church 3830 Van Teylingen Dr. from 6pm to 8pm. We will be upstairs in the chapel. Please spread out and practice social distancing. New neighborhood phone directories will be available at the annual meeting. No dinner or child care this year due to Covid.
Let’s Be Bear Aware-Bears are out and looking for food. Please keep trash cans inside until your designated trash day. Reminder that on non-trash days, your trash cans shall not be viewable from street.
List server-Stay up to date on all things Greencrest, sign up for our email list server if you haven’t already. To be added to the distribution list please send an email requesting access to greencrest-homeowners@googlegroups.com. The HOA board has chosen to use this as the main platform for communication within the neighborhood. This is a closed group and must be granted permission to join. If you have any questions reach out to Barbara at bsieving@gmail.com.
Architectural Control Committee-If you plan on making any changes, updates to your home, fence, roof, landscape, etc., it is mandatory that you submit your plans to the ACC for approval. This committee helps maintain the character and beauty of our neighborhood and keep home owners in compliance with the HOA covenants and bylaws. Please visit our web site at www.GreencrestHOA.org.
Firewise-Why Greencrest homeowners mitigate? This semi-annual event might prevent your house from burning down. Chipping crews are in the neighborhood every year in May and July. Fire mitigation is key to keeping our neighborhood safe and protected from wildfires. Disposal and chipping of your debris is FREE, and is provided in conjunction with the Colorado Springs Fire Department. Sign up with Dave Harmon (david.harmon1@gmail.com), or reply to the annual list server email so he can get the crews to your home. For more information on mitigation or to schedule your free firewise assessment please contact CSFD wildfire Mitigation Program coordinator at (719) 385-7342 or asylvester@springsgov.com.
Neighborhood Block Captains-Greencrest is broken down into 8 different blocks so it is easier to manage. In those blocks, individuals volunteer to serve their neighbors as Block Captains. One of primary responsibilities for the Block Captains is to be a liaison between your block and our Colorado Springs Police Department Crime Prevention Officer, MJ Thomson.
Officer Thomson is our go-to guy concerning suspected crime in the neighborhood as well as the surrounding area when homeless camps have sprung up. Remember when reporting a suspected non-emergency situation call the Police at 719-444-7000. Of course, for emergencies call 911. Photos and detailed descriptions go a long way in resolving matters. These things can be shared with the Block Captains and neighbors as well so we can all be vigilant to keep an eye out.
You can read more about the Neighborhood Watch Program and responsibilities of the Block Captains below if you are interested. As you can see below, we have a couple of vacancies and this link will show more clearly rolls and responsibilities.
Block 1: Jacob P. 719-460-5037 norwestjacob@gmail.com
Block 2: Jon K. 719-761-5562 jonkkrantz@gmail.com
Block 3: VACANT
Block 4: Herb R. 719-229-2445 herbncolorado@gmail.com
Block 5: VACANT
Block 6: Sandy S. 719-210-8168 3255sandy@gmail.com
Block 7: Michael M. 719-660-9247 kjomack77@gmail.com
Block 8: Sam E. 719-659-0180 sam64edwards@gmail1.com